Friday, January 30, 2009

Fake swearing

Battlestar Galactica is easily the best show ever. I'm not usually a huge scifi fan, but if the storylines and characters are good, I can overlook the space fighting and space hookers.

I'm partway through season two, and the only fly in the ointment so far is the incessant fake swearing. Instead of saying "fuck", the characters say "frak", but they use it in the exact same way. Examples: "frak you", "did you frak her?", and "don't frak with me!".

I appreciate what they're trying to accomplish, I really do. But the word "frak" so closely resembles the queen of all swear words that it only brings attention to itself. They should've picked a completely dissimilar word, like "snarg" or "joink", so the viewers would forget that writers wish they could pen the F word, but can't.

Click here to read an interesting article about swearing.


Kriggity said...

I like how the writers of Firefly and Serenity nicely skirted the issue by having the characters swear in Chinese.

annie said...

Yay, BSG! I've grown to love frack. Now I don't even think twice about hearing. Sometimes it occurs to me to say!

(I'm a giant nerd.)