Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Science of Hobos

I took a shamefully low number of photos on my recent trip to Boston, and the odd ones I did take are in no way indicative of how much fun I had (which was a bunch).

I was surprised to see an entire exhibit on hobos at the Science Museum. The thing I like about hobos is that they are by their very nature a disorganized group (well, besides the annual National Hobo Convention). So there hasn't yet been any large movement to discourage people from making fun of bindles and boxcar jumping. I'm sure that it'll soon be un-PC, but until then I plan to keep using the word "hobo" as an insult.

hobo code

Marking this outside a person's home indicates that they have a gun. Kind of like, "Stick 'em up, triangle!"

hobo symbol

Took this one on a recent (just as fun) road trip down South. I really admire this vendor's confidence.

hot dog