Monday, October 6, 2008

The only two choices for women: witch & sexy kitten

I've never been a big fan of Halloween--I don't particularly enjoy drawing attention to myself by dressing up, and too much sugar makes me cranky. But if I suppress the crusty old lady in me I can see the appeal, and I'd probably get way into it if I had a little one to trot out.

I love Target's website, but one of their categories for Female Halloween costumes is eyeroll-inducing.

sassy halloween

Sassy is defined as impudent or jaunty, but in this case "sassy" seems to indicate short skirts, massive amounts of cleavage, a hip tilt and a come-hither facial expression. Is this sexualization of Halloween costumes allowing women to be creative with their wardrobes one day a year, or is the lack of non-sassy costume options pigeonholing us into purchasing these? I dunno, but seeing as how Halloween is in late October, if I dress up I'll be sticking to something a little bit warmer.

An aside: I can never hear the word "sassy" without thinking of the classic Phil Hartman SNL skit. I feel like I'm in a sassy sandwich!


Suzanne Ross said...

Too funny! I wonder what they have for women who are with child...

magikchair said...

I think this costume is my favorite...A sexy spin on a childhood favorite!

Make the nightmares stop and the dreams begin in this cuddly costume. Costume includes: Dress, shrug and head piece. Buy Sexy Care Bear Bedtime Bear Costume

Ms. Foodie said...

You know what else is scary? The way these costume companies are getting little girls into the act too. Little girl costumes are becoming just as whorific. Sad. Gross. Disturbing.